Teaching Short Stories
On behalf of the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation, we would like to thank you for seeking opportunities to expose your students to the exceptional writings of Nebraska Hall of Fame Honoree Bess Streeter Aldrich. As you may know, we also have free curriculum for Mrs. Aldrich’s most recognized book, A Lantern in Her Hand. Yet, teachers are telling us that they don’t necessarily have enough time to teach a full novel.
It is this time constraint that has encouraged the foundation board to offer curriculum for some of Mrs. Aldrich’s short stories which honors the Midwest values, the antics of children, and small-town living. Designed for flexibility, the lessons provide student guides and answers, teacher guides and answers, assessments, enrichment and instructional strategies and enrichments that teachers can personalize for their instruction of students over three or more days.
Review the materials and select the stories you want to cover. Available in Word, these materials can be personalized by choosing and modifying those resources that work for you and your students, the desired learning outcomes, and time restraints. To access the answer keys, please contact the director for the password. This is our effort to avoid access to the answers by students.
Unit of Study Development Team
Funded by the Syracuse Library Foundation, five units of study have been developed to go along with some of Mrs. Aldrich’s most-loved stories: Star Across the Tracks, Ginger Cookies, Juno Swans, Mother’s Dash for Liberty, and The Man Who Caught the Weather.
The Development Team included Kim Zach (chairperson), Becky Costello, Marla Teegerstrom, Gretchen Garrison, Sheri Harrington, and Jolene McLaughlin.
Objectives for Students and Teachers
Recognize Bess Streeter Aldrich as a Nebraska Hall of Fame author
Develop reading comprehension for high-quality literature
Differentiate between reading/writing novels and/or short stories
Offer opportunities for writing and other enrichment activities
Connections to Standards
These units fulfill some of the the Nebraska State Standards for Language Arts, particularly those for literature and writing. Those standards can be found at https://cdn.education.ne.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ELA-Standards-Final-Draft-edited-10.6.21.pdf. Look for your grade level and the list of standards specific to your classroom.